10 Things You Didn't Know About McLovins July 6, 2016 16:45
- McLovins were named by online fans who first discovered the band.
- The band was recently included on Broadway star Lin Manuel Miranda’s US Weekly playlist.
- McLovins' eclectic sound stems from a wide range of influences like The Flaming Lips, The Band and Wilco.
- The bands most current album McLovins was produced by Grammy award winning 'Hamilton' producer Bill Sherman.
- The band is currently on a national tour with a full Fall schedule to be announced shortly.
- Drummer and lead vocalist Jake Huffman is also a composer for Sesame Street.
- The band promotes shows with an inventive series of episodes called "Atticus Facts".
- Although the band writes tight and formulaic songs, when performed live, many songs contain improvised and extended elements making every show unique.
- All four band members share song writing responsibility with a new album coming early next year.
- McLovins also strongly recommend that fans wear their seat belts.
Watch McLovins perform "Buildin' It Up" at Telefunken Studios here:
Watch McLovins' acoustic performance of their original "Hold Up" here: