Widespread Panic Will Play This Weekend's Shows In St. Augustine September 12, 2017 14:14


Photo by Jordan Kirkland: Live & Listen

Due the uncertainty and anxiety surrounding Hurricane Irma, many sporting events and concerts in Florida and surrounding coastal areas have been forced to reschedule and/or cancel. With a much lighter 2017 touring schedule, Widespread Panic fans have been on edge waiting for a verdict on this weekend's sold out, three-night run in St. Augustine. Fortunately, a positive verdict is in.

St. Augustine and Widespread Panic are excited to announce the shows September 15, 16, & 17th WILL go on as scheduled! St. Augustine shows its resilience and welcomes Panic fans this weekend. Headed to the shows? Bring donations for Feeding Northeast Florida, who will be on-site accepting non-perishable food and monetary donations. Not headed to the show? Give online: feedingnefl.org