Gregg Allman Cancels All Scheduled Dates Through January November 9, 2016 10:17

As a result of continued health issues, Gregg Allman has announced that he is cancelling all scheduled performances through January of 2017. In a statement on his website Allman says:

“This is the hardest thing I’ve had to do in a long, long, time. I’ve been on the road for 45 years because I live to play music with my friends for my fans. As much as I hate it, it’s time for me to take some real time off to heal.

“Not making a show is a really hard decision for me because I want to play so bad, but it’s also hard on my partners and fans who make plans to be with me. I never want to put anybody in a bad spot. I’m so grateful for the people that I work with and for the fans that come to my shows and I want to be at my best for all of them. That means I’m going to have to wait until I’m feeling really good, not just good enough like I have been. Good enough isn’t working for us all.”

Watch Gregg Allman perform "Whipping Post" earlier this year at Wannee here:

Allman's Winery shows in New York originally slated for this month will now take place in July. His southern dates from late December into January will not take place but have not been rescheduled as yet.  The complete information regarding a ticket exchange for the Cty Winery performances appears below:

Dear Gregg Allman Ticket Holders,

It is with great regret that we reach out to inform you of Gregg Allman’s postponement of his 2016 run at City Winery due to a recent vocal injury requiring additional rest.

The rescheduled dates are as follows: July 2, 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 12, 13, 16, 17

With this rescheduling, you have a few options of what to do with your tickets:

1.Transfer your tickets for November x directly to x day, July x. If you have a standing room ticket, your standing room ticket will be honored on July x. If you have seated tickets, your exact seats will be secured for July x.

2.If you would prefer to upgrade or seek out different ticketing options for one of the other dates (July x,x,x…), we will be happy to issue you store credit for easy check out AND we will see that you are provided with EXCLUSIVE access to Gregg Allman tickets, three weeks in advance of the general public sale date (to be announced).

If the above options are not applicable, we will see that you are provided with a full refund of your tickets. Please note that refunded ticket holders will not be eligible for the above noted exclusive pre sale period.

Please let us know your preference of direct transfer, store credit or refund by Friday, November 18th so that we might best accommodate you. We will answer inquiries in the order they were received as quickly as possible and do our absolute best to accommodate requests.

Though Gregg will not be performing on Wednesday, November 9th or Thursday, November 10th, we invite you to join us for a free concert featuring the Gregg Allman Band. Doors will open at 6pm for the 8pm performance. We would love to have you join us regardless of what you decide to do with your tickets.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and ask that you join us in wishing Gregg a speedy recovery. We’ll see you here for another show soon!